
  • Tran Thanh Binh Mathlish Company Limited, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Bui Thi Thom Mathlish Company Limited, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Dang Tung Long Mathlish Company Limited, Hanoi city, Vietnam



online learning, educational technology, personalized learning, student engagement, adaptive instruction


In the context of technological and educational advancement, the integration of technology and online platforms has yielded significant impacts on online pedagogical methodologies. This report presents the application of the online teaching software Classin, which has elicited positive and innovative changes in Mathlish’s online math classes. By harnessing Classin's interactive features, Mathlish educators created an engaging and student-centered learning environment. The report emphasizes the integration of features and inspiration from televised educational programs into Mathlish's online math classes, aiming to provide captivating learning experiences for students. Furthermore, the report examines how Classin's real-time feedback mechanisms enhance personalized learning and global connectivity. Ultimately, the harmonious integration of Classin's features into the instructional process within Mathlish's online math classes underscores the essential role of technology in the online education model, thereby equipping learners with vital skills in the digital age.


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Educational Sciences: Natural Science

How to Cite

Thanh Binh, T., Thi Thom, B. and Tung Long, D. (2024) “APPLYING TECHNOLOGY TO ONLINE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 69(5B), pp. 168–178. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2024-0145.

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