
  • Khuat Doan Phuong Lam Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam




Education, self-awareness skills, preschool teacher, influencing factor, learning through play


Self-awareness skills are an important aspect of emotional and social skills education for preschool children aged 5-6. To align with the developmental characteristics of 5-6-year-old children, this educational process needs to be implemented based on a learning through play approach. Preschool teachers’ assessments of factors affecting the education of self-awareness skills for children, based on a learning through play approach, impact their practices in organizing educational activities. This study uses a quantitative research method based on an online survey with 103 samples from preschool teachers in Hanoi. The research results show that educational support, the children themselves, and work seniority influence the education of self-awareness skills for 5-6-year-old children. The research results serve as a basis for proposing measures to promote the education of self-awareness skills for 5-6-year-old children based on a learning through play approach.


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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Doan Phuong Lam, K. (2024) “FACTORS INFLUENCING EDUCATION SELF-AWARENESS SKILLS FOR 5-6-YEAR-OLD PRESCHOOL CHILDREN BASED ON LEARNING THROUGH PLAY APPROACH”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 69(4A), pp. 258–268. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2024-0099.

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