
  • Nguyen Thi Ha Center of Special Education, The Vietnam National Institute of Education Sciences, Hanoi city, Vietnam



intellectual disability, skills, pre-writing skills, developing pre-writing skills


The article provides criteria for measuring the level of development of pre-writing skills of children with intellectual disabilities based on the criteria in the preschool education program and the Development Standards for 5-6-year-old children prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training on pre-writing skills. Each criterion has specific indicators, from which 5 measures are proposed to develop pre-writing skills for children with intellectual disabilities aged 5-6 years: Measures to design and select games according to the goal of developing pre-writing skills; Building a play environment that creates excitement and stimulates children to learn to write; Using a variety of games according to the content of developing pre-writing skills; Increase opportunities for children to practice pre-writing skills in games; Praise and encourage children when playing games. These measures are designed to suit children's developmental characteristics, helping children gradually grasp and practice basic skills, creating a solid foundation for learning in the next stage.


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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Thi Ha, N. (2024) “MEASURES TO DEVELOP CHILDREN’S PREWRITING SKILLS INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY 5 – 6 YEARS OLD”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 69(4A), pp. 276–285. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2024-0101.

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