
  • Nguyen Thi Bich Faculty of History, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam



critical thinking, History teaching, students, Hanoi Vinschool Secondary School


This paper proposes measures to develop critical thinking - a form of higher-order thinking -among students in history classes, in alignment with the competency-oriented objectives of Vietnam’s 2018 General Education Program. The study is based on feedback from 346 seventh-grade students at Vinschool Secondary School, Hanoi, who participated in history lessons designed to foster critical thinking. The findings reveal that lessons emphasizing critical thinking led to more dynamic and engaging classroom environments, enhanced students' enthusiasm for learning, and facilitated deeper comprehension of historical knowledge. However, effective history lessons require the flexible and diverse application of active teaching methods, such as problem-based scenarios, the Socratic questioning method, debates, and role-playing. Leveraging the favorable conditions of the Vinschool Hanoi education system, the proposed measures have contributed to nurturing students into global citizens equipped with the knowledge, life skills, and the ability to think critically and solve problems.



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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Thi Bich, N. (2025) “DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING IN HISTORY EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY AT HANOI VINSCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 70(1), pp. 26–35. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2025-0003.

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