
  • Dang Ut Phuong Faculty of Education, Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hanoi city, Vietnam



problem-solving skills, children aged 5-6, STEAM education, coordination, schools, families


Teaching problem-solving skills to children is one of the core objectives of early childhood education, helping children develop logical thinking, analytical ability, creativity, and adaptability to changes in life. To achieve this goal, close coordination between schools and families in organizing STEAM educational activities is necessary. This paper presents theoretical research results on teaching problem-solving skills to children aged 5-6 through STEAM educational activities, highlighting its importance, the stages, and specific implementation steps in each stage to enhance coordination between schools and families in organizing STEAM educational activities to teach problem-solving skills. The research method used involves analyzing scientific articles and specialized books on STEAM education, problem-solving skills, and the coordination between schools and families, both in Vietnam and internationally. The research results provide directions for further practical studies in this field.


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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Ut Phuong, D. (2024) “COORDINATION BETWEEN SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES IN ORGANIZING STEAM EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES TO TEACH PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS TO CHILDREN AGED 5-6”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 69(4A), pp. 238–246. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2024-0097.

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