
  • Tran Thi Thao Faculty of Pedagogy, Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hanoi city, Vietnam



proposal, social-emotional competency framework, students, secondary school


Social-emotional competencies are essential to the developmental process of secondary school students. Developing social and emotional skills has become a crucial goal to help students fully adapt to society within the school environment. Based on a comprehensive analysis of social-emotional competencies - including models of the components constituting these competencies, the social-emotional competency frameworks of prominent authors, and the characteristics of social-emotional competencies in secondary school students according to the 2018 General Education Program - this research proposes a social-emotional competency framework for secondary school students. The framework includes specific component competencies and corresponding manifestations. This competency framework aims to enrich the theoretical foundation of the research topicand support initiatives that foster the development of social and emotional skills in secondary education.



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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Thi Thao, T. (2025) “PROPOSED SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE CURRENT PERIOD”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 70(1), pp. 3–14. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2025-0001.

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