
  • Dinh Thanh Tuyen Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam



competency framework, early childhood education, internship mentors, supervising teachers, preservice teachers, pre-schoolers teachers


This paper proposes a competency framework for mentoring preschool teacher practicums, referencing competency frameworks used globally for teacher practicum guidance. The framework was developed using the Delphi method with the participation of 210 experts from the fields of early childhood education, educational management, and higher education teaching. The competency framework comprises seven key factors: collaboration with universities, development of organizational and professional competencies, establishing effective relationships with practicum students, facilitating the learning process of practicum students, modeling effective teaching and linking theory to practice, providing comprehensive guidance and support, and encouraging progressive thinking to foster professional identity. Through two rounds of Delphi surveys, the competency framework was refined and adjusted to achieve a high level of consensus among experts, reflecting its feasibility and practicality in the preschool education context in Vietnam.



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Educational Science: Social Science

How to Cite

Thanh Tuyen, D. (2024) “PROPOSED COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK FOR MENTORING PRESCHOOL TEACHERS DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM”, Journal of Science Educational Science, 69(4A), pp. 55–65. doi:10.18173/2354-1075.2024-0080.

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