Publication Fees
1. Publication Fees
According to Decision No. 5434/QĐ-ĐHSPHN dated December 24, 2024, issued by Hanoi National University of Education, authors are required to pay publication support fees for articles published in the HNUE Journal of Science: Natural Sciences in 2025 as follows:
- For authors outside of Hanoi National University of Education: 60 USD per article (1.500.000 VND)
- For full-time faculty members of Hanoi National University of Education: 42 USD per article (1.050.000 VNĐ)
After successfully submitting the article online on the journal's system and receiving confirmation from the editor that the article meets the standards for peer review, the author must pay the publication support fee. If the article is rejected, the author will be refunded 50% of the paid fee.
2. Payment Account
Authors should transfer the publication support fee to the following account:
- Account name: Hanoi National University of Education
- Account number: 8640003456
- Bank: Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV).
3. Payment Note Format
When making the transfer, please use the following format for the transfer description:[Article ID]_KHTN_[Main Author's Name]