
  • Nguyen Quang Hoc Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Tran Nu Binh Minh Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Truong Nghiem Ngoc Lan Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi Bich Lam Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Le Hong Viet Faculty of Naturaal Science, Tran Quoc Tuan University, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Dam Thi To Giang Faculty of Natural Science, Tran Quoc Tuan University, Hanoi city, Vietnam



AuCuSi, self-diffusion, strain, binary alloy, ternary alloy, interstitial atom, substitutional atom, activation energy, pre-exponential factor, self-diffusion coefficient


This article presents a self-diffusion theory, including analytical expressions for activation energy, pre-exponential factor, and self-diffusion coefficient, dependent on temperature, pressure, the concentration of substitutional atoms, the concentration of interstitial atoms, and strain for substitutional and interstitial ternary alloys with the FCC structure, based on the statistical moment method (SMM). The theoretical results are applied to numerical calculations for the AuCuSi alloy. The SMM numerical results for AuCuSi are compared with those for AuSi, AuCu, and Au. The variation of self-diffusion quantities with temperature and strain in AuCuSi follows the same patterns as in AuCu, AuSi, and Au. The variation with the interstitial atom concentration in AuCuSi follows the same pattern as in AuSi, while the variation with the substitutional atom concentration follows the same pattern as in AuCu. The SMM numerical results for Au's self-diffusion quantities agree well with experimental data and other calculation results. Other SMM numerical results for self-diffusion quantities are novel and predict future experimental outcomes.


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How to Cite

Quang Hoc, N. ., Nu Binh Minh, T. ., Nghiem Ngoc Lan, T. ., Thi Bich Lam, N. ., Hong Viet, L. ., & Thi To Giang, D. . (2024). STUDY ON SELF-DIFFUSION IN ALLOY AuCuSi WITH FCC STRUCTURE: DEPENDENCE ON TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, CONCENTRATION OF SUBSTITUTIONAL ATOMS, CONCENTRATION OF INTERSTITIAL ATOMS AND STRAIN. Journal of Science Natural Science, 69(2), 66-77.