
  • Nguyen Van Loi Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Tran Van Quy Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi city, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Duc Tien Department of Agricultural by Products Research, Vietnam Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Postharvest Technology, Hanoi city, Vietnam



nitrogen, onion cultivars, reducing sugars, total sugars, vitamin C


Onions are widely grown in Vietnam, with many different varieties of onions. Each onion variety has different colour characteristics, and the ratio of nutritional ingredients is also different. The aim of this study is to determine some nutritional components of onions to serve as a scientific basis for the application of appropriate processing methods. The following was determined for each cultivar: the content of macro- and micronutrients, reducing and total sugar, and the vitamin C content. Significant differences in chemical composition between the analyzed cultivars were found. The cultivars of the same colour exhibited similar tendencies in terms of accumulating most of the analyzed elements. The greatest differences in the chemical content were found among yellow and red cultivars. Yellow cultivars accumulated significantly greater amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and reducing sugar than red onion cultivars. Red onion cultivars contained significantly greater amounts of total sugar and vitamin C than yellow onion cultivars.





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